Great start to the day in Carcassonne today as we walked around the new town. It is actually hundreds of years old, but is still hundreds of years newer than the old town on the hill.
We came across a lovely square with a fountain in the middle, and called back there later for coffee and cakes.
We had a booking on the guided tour of the fortress of Carcassonne at noon, but on the way there we stopped to watch a friendly group of strikers marching through the town.
The guided tour was excellent and our guide was great fun. She was very amusing, and bobbed up and down while waving her arms and hands in the air to help illustrate her stories.
Unfortunately, she was limited in what she could show us as some of the strikers worked in the castle, so it was shut for the day. We had also planned to spend the afternoon exploring the ramparts, but they were also closed.
It didn't spoil the day though, and this evening we got some great views of the castle. I assume that the lights are on a timer as they were still working today.