Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Last day in Brighton

We had a lot of things that we wanted to do before we left Brighton tomorrow so we started this morning at the golf course. Daz had his best round ever, although we both managed to hit our tee shots very close to the buses on hole number 5. Fortunately both balls bounced back off the slope and back onto the course. 
Golf was followed by pizza and calzone at our favourite Italian, and then cocktails at the fantastic Brighton Rocks. 

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Olympic Park cycling

Exciting day today as Daz got to enjoy his birthday present from his sister Nic. It was an hour cycling around the Olympic Park velodrome in London. According to him it was very tiring, so maybe he would have been fine with just 30 minutes.
The bikes have no brakes and you have to pedal the whole time. He also had to avoid the other cyclists, ride up the banking and try to remember to smile for the photos. 
Unfortunately he managed everything apart from the smile, although he did manage a grin once it was all over! 

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Pride with Joanne and family

Great surprise today today as I got a text from Joanne to see if we were at home in Brighton. She was here for the day with her lovely family and didn't even know that it was Pride weekend. 
Caught up with her in time to see a few bottoms in the parade, then sat at a bar by the seafront and enjoyed a bottle of wine or two. 

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

New kitchen

I am working on the garden with help from Mr A who is going to build me a shed, a pergola and maybe some decking. 

He, however, is concentrating on the kitchen and since the first photo was taken he has ripped everything out. The room is now completely empty, so there will be lots to keep him busy. 

There is also no running water, all of the lights are broken and there is a mysterious hole in the ceiling. 

We have set up a mini kitchen in the spare bedroom so will be okay for a while, but I don't think that we will be making any gourmet meals. Toast and cereal will be on the menu most days, although there is a great fish and chip shop just round the corner. 

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

New garden - before and after

We are moving to Nottingham at the end of August and the little house in Sherwood is ready and waiting for us. 
It is safe to say that it is not looking at it's best just yet though.  
Last night I watched Charlie Dimmock on a gardening programme, and here is my version of the show. 
We are currently at the 'before' stage, but I know exactly what I want the 'after' to look like. 
All we have to do now is make it happen.