Sunday, 21 October 2012

Now you see it, now you don't

There are only ten weeks until we leave the country and we have to empty our flat completely during that time.
We have spent today clearing space in the lock-up and removing the bookshelves and all of it's contents.
We have devided it into things to save, things to chuck and things to go to the charity shop.
Daz then chopped the bookcase into small chunks and I have put them in to bin bags then taken them down to the dustbins so, voila, empty space.
Lots of things still to go though.


  1. I notice the wine has disappeared too Christine. Hopefully darren found a better way to dispose of that! Glad I found the blog. Love debs x

  2. I notice the wine has disappeared too Christine. Hopefully darren found a better way to dispose of that! Glad I found the blog. Love debs x

  3. I notice the wine has disappeared too Christine. Hopefully darren found a better way to dispose of that! Glad I found the blog. Love debs x

  4. I notice the wine has disappeared too Christine. Hopefully darren found a better way to dispose of that! Glad I found the blog. Love debs x

  5. Hi Debs Glad you found me. Don't give up, the posts will get more exciting soon! x
