Monday, 4 February 2013

Train to Kanchanaburi

Exciting day today as Margs and Dave have arrived. They got to our hotel in Bangkok this morning so were able to watch the end of the Superbowl. Not sure that they appreciated it really.
Margs wanted to catch the train to Kanchanaburi and that is definitely the romantic way to get there. We thought that they might be tired and jetlagged, but the train it was.
Stopped out of blue as the train line was only single track and we had to wait for the train in the other direction so Darren nipped off and found us a couple of beers for the wait.
Just arrived at the station and it is very pretty with topiary dinosaurs and herons.


  1. Hi Gillian pleased to have you as a reader. They aren't very lively yet. They disappeared off to bed at about 8 last night and it is 9am now and no sign of them. I am sure it is only the calm before normal standards are resumed.

  2. Christine - enjoy the quiet while it lasts! Glad the MADs arrived safely though. Hope you all have a great time. Jim xxx

  3. Hi Jim lovely to hear from you. They are getting back to normal today and we are just sitting in a bar having a couple of beers. Say hello to Kelly for me and Daz. X
