Sunday, 24 February 2013

Rainy afternoon in Hat Yai

When it rains out here, it really does rain. It was interesting to find that some of the drainpipes are angled carefully to make handy car wash areas along the street.
We spent the afternoon escaping the rain in a pub with Margs and Dave who have rejoined us again.
They are catching an overnight bus to Kuala Lumpur later this evening and we are going to Penang in the morning.


  1. Very impressed that Darren has managed to accessorise his outfit so well considering how 'light' you're travelling!

  2. Margs and Dave in a pub? Surely not.

  3. Hi Susan surely you aren't surprised. Don't you remember his outfit for the Casino in Monte Carlo?
    Hi Jim oh no, have I let the cat out of the bag?
