Thursday, 14 February 2013

Valentines day hero

Twice in one day Dave saves the day. He has bought a valentines card all the way from England for the lovely Margs.
It is only 8pm here so I am sure that mine will also turn up very shortly.


  1. Well if Dave was a real hero, he would also have brought a card for Daz to give to you.

    Darren - it's not too late; what about an e-card?

    Anyway, do they do Valentine's in Thailand? You should really adopt the culture of the place you are visiting.

    Lots of love,

    Your secret admirer (Jim - just in case you've got lots of secret admirers)

  2. Hi Jim, good idea about them not doing valentines day in Thailand, but they make quite a big thing of it around here. Daz's mates on his Facebook page have got the impression that he made the stone shaped heart on the beach for me, so he is looking good there.
    Hope you both had a good day too.
    No other secret admirers as far as I know!
