Sunday, 3 February 2013

One night in Bangkok

Caught a very speedy bus this morning and arrived in Bangkok. We are here for one night only for two reasons.
The first is that we want to stay in a room with a good telly as Darren is keen to try to watch the Superbowl live. We think we are about 12 hours ahead of New Orleans time so it should start about 6am tomorrow morning, if we have the right channel.
The hotels are much cheaper and better in Thailand than they are in Sri Lanka, so for less than the price we paid there for a room with no hot water, no television, funny shaped sheets that didn't fit the bed and a noisy tin roof, we have a beautiful, boutique stylish room. Daz did also promise me a swimming pool, but I am giving it a miss as it is almost in the car park.
I am very jealous of the hotel swimming pool round the corner as it has a glass wall and is on about the sixth floor so you can look down on the six lane road and the skytrain as you swim. (See second photo)
The second reason we are here is to meet Margs and Dave tomorrow who will be spending the next three weeks wandering around with us.


  1. It's on BBC2 so you might be able to stream it if you haven't got a tv channel

  2. Terrible Internet connection unfortunately. But think we have a channel that will show it but with non English commentary. Should be fun.

  3. Don't mention the result anywhere if you do get to see it please? We're going to record it & watch with beer & pizza on Monday evening!
