It rained and snowed all day yesterday, so we had to wait it out and carry on with the front garden today.
I moved the soil, gravel and planted plants, while Darren built the fence.
Our tasks overlapped a bit as I had to hold random bits of fence level while he hammered them in to place, and he had to help me carry some of the heavy plants and get them out of their pots.
We worked all day, but then it was almost finished.
Quote of the day from Daz was 'nice fence, shame about the planting'.
I think that he was joking, but it is definitely a unique look. It needs to start growing, and there is a few more things to go in before we will see the overall look.
There were quite a few families walking past this afternoon and we got some nice comments from them though.
In the above photo the coloured pots are full of topsoil, the giant strappy plant in the top left is not actually planted yet but is sitting on a mound of soil, and first thing tomorrow the big plastic bags full of sand will be taken away by the driveway workers.
The final job is to finish the corner next to the house.
Our fancy gate has arrived, I think that I have enough bricks to build the wall and we will start it first thing tomorrow.