Yesterday we couldn't do a parkrun as they don't have them in Spain, so we did our own on the promenade at Alcudia.
All of our legs felt heavy, but we made it in reasonable times, and just one little detour over a bridge and along a little side road.
Disappointingly we took different routes around it, so ended up at very different finishing points and couldn't find each other.
After we were reunited we checked out of the hotel and moved to just outside Arenal, which is back near to Palma.
We had a good breakfast this morning in preparation for a busy day, and included a tasty bucks fizz just because it was there.
We had decided that today was our March half marathon day, and we walked one block to the seafront. The place was packed with hundreds of walkers, runners, cyclists and a few roller bladers.
It was a nice run and fortunately quite cloudy, although I was pretty shattered by the final turn back at about 17 kilometres.
I tried to get back into the groove, and then we realised that we were being cheered on by a group of hens dressed in sparkly bunny ears that were on a petite train.
They kept level with us for a while and then overtook us. We then got them back at the train stop, and pulled ahead. They overtook us again, etc and this got me through the next three ks.
In the end we got dropped, but not long after we got our 21.1 k and were done.
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