Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Team Jamaica - flowery makeover part one

I have been quite jealous of Darren lately as he has been chopping and changing bits on his bike and I feel like joining in.
I always thought a plain black bike was a bit boring, so a few years ago I half heartedly customised mine with some green and yellow electrical tape and called it 'team Jamaica' in honour of Usain Bolt.
Today I have completed stage one of my latest plan and have bought some plastic flowers, which handily have bendy wire stems, and have attached them to my basket.
I need to do some speed and bump tests to make sure the flowers stay put, but at least they are waterproof.
I am waiting for stage two to arrive in the post.
Daz and I have entered a Peak Challenge 47 mile race next month with some of his fit mates from work and I am hoping to sprint past them at the finish!

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