Saturday, 18 March 2023

Bath Abbey concert

Last night we went out to see the Fulltone orchestra at Bath Abbey. We started the evening at a famous Bath institution - Sally Lunn's Historic Eating House.

Sally opened the tea house in 1680 and it is apparently world famous, however we were very underwhelmed. So much so that I didn't even bother taking any photos. Sally Lunns is known for their Bath Bunns, but it just seemed to be a large white cob (roll to the Southerners), with a dollop of filling on the top. Apparently in the olden days they served the food like that so it didn't need a plate so saved on the washing up.

Anyway, it was an experience, and we know not to repeat it.

On to the concert at the extremely beautiful Bath Abbey. 

We really need to go on a tour of the Abbey in the daytime to fully appreciate it, but we saw its famous Jacob's ladder on the outside. 

This is another new 'famous landmark' to me, but the ladder is great, and according to the story, goes straight up to heaven.

Inside was amazing, and Darren booked our tickets on the front row four months ago. 

However, I am standing in front of seat E9, and we have seats E1 and 2. Unfortunately, we then found out that they were exactly behind a massive pillar that was holding the church up!

We couldn't see a thing, and even the television was right above our heads so we couldn't see that either!

We moved seats before the start so did get a bit better view, and walking around at the interval I was surprised to find that many, many other people had much worse views than us. 

It was a good concert, although we didn't get the best acoustics, and it was really quite a memorable evening, if not quite in the way I expected. 

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