Monday, 11 September 2023

Greenwich and Battersea

We had a lovely weekend at Greenwich and Battersea with Tina and Matt.

Firstly we caught the train to Canary Wharf and stopped for a look around. 

The buildings are incredible and although it doesn't look like it from this photo, the place was buzzing. There was loads of people around and dozens of new bars and restaurants.

In case you are wondering, this is the outside of the first photo. 

We went to revisit the garden above the tube station, and it was as lovely as last time. 

Then we set off to walk to Greenwich to meet T and M. I hadn't checked the distance and it was farther than I expected, but included the iconic Greenwich tunnel. 

It was a bit spooky and damp walking under the river and we timed this photo well to make it look deserted. In reality there was lots of other walkers and cyclists too.

After a nice night out with cocktails sipped under the rigging of the Cutty Sark, we got up early for a run to and around the O2. 

Then we caught an Uber boat along the river. 

The views were superb and we cruised from the far east of London to the west, eventually arriving at our destination of Battersea power station.

As much as possible of the original building has been retained, and now it is a shopping centre with apartments on the higher floors.

It has enormously high ceilings and we spent a happy few hours window shopping and eating lunch before catching the train back home.

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