It started with a conversation, and a wish to sit on the roof of our outhouse and enjoy the view. I searched Pinterest for inspiration but could find nothing suitable. Eventually we had the idea of a double height pergola with secret seating.
Darren spent many hours drawing up professional plans, and then ordering the metal scaffold poles.
Whilst waiting for the giant meccano kit to arrive, we levelled the ground and built some steps to sort of the right height.
Then the big day arrived and Darren had to work out how to put it all together.
After a couple of false starts it came together, and we concreted in some of the uprights to hold it firm.
Next was the raised seating.
There was almost a change of design mid build, but then we went back to the original plan, and the metal is now all up.
All that is left to do now is put in the floor, the wooden scaffold board seats at ground and first floor level, hitch up a swing, plant grapevines in the corners and finally, sit back to enjoy a gin and tonic while watching the sun set.
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