Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Last day in Rotterdam

For our final day we started out with a quick walk to the waterway close to our weird upside down room.

We found a really high bridge which was nice,

however, even better than that was a barge that instead of a sail it had an enormous metal bird that fluttered in the wind.

I am hoping that Darren will take up a new metalworking hobby, as I would really love one in my garden.

Onwards then to the main event of the day.

Darren found an article on line written by a Rotterdam local, and we spent all day following it to the letter.

As you can see, there is water everywhere, with different size waterways ranging from a metre wide, to an enormous meandering river.

We crossed the widest part by going deep underground and along a tunnel. In England you aren't allowed to take bikes on escalators, but over here everyone did.

We whizzed along the tunnel and then back up another escalator and out in to the sunshine.

Some of the route was industrial, a lot was residential and other bits were just beautiful.

Back in Rotterdam we stopped about half a kilometre short of the Eurostar station to get some snacks for the journey.

Hopping back on the bikes Darren discovered that he had a puncture - the only one of the holiday - and he just had time to repair it before it was time to check in.

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