Friday, 26 February 2021

New picture

Exciting morning today as I went to collect a new picture that we have bought from a local artist called Sally Stern. 

She only started selling her paintings during the lock down and she is really popular already. It is now hanging on our landing and we think, looking lovely.

I am still painting fences and I ran out of paint at the back with only three slats left to paint. This is a guess, but after about 500 slats it is disappointing to get so near, yet having to buy another pot of paint.

In the front garden I have splashed out on a more expensive decking paint for the fence and gates and it is going on well. The idea of going with dark grey is to match the house, but apparently the plants show up better with a dark background.

I think it might be working as the leaves on the right look much brighter. 

Finally, our goldfish have all livened up after the cold winter weather and what a lovely surprise, we seem to have at least two new baby fish. No photos yet as they seem to be hiding in the plants but I am keeping a close eye out for them now. 

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