Thursday, 11 August 2022

Bicester to Stratford upon Avon

 It's red hot outdoors, so what shall we do? Go on a bicycle tour is the answer. Not just any tour though, this is the first time that we have done one on our e bikes.

We set off from Bicester and cycled 27k before our coffee stop at Great Tew. We stopped here on a ride last year, and I am pleased to see that it is as posh and picturesque as I remember it. The Beckham's live in Little Tew, Jeremy Clarkson has his farm, and loads of celebrities live locally. 

I didn't spot anyone famous today, although our bicycles got to hang out with some very trendy friends while we ate our cakes and tried to avoid the wasp attacks.

On we cycled through dust dry countryside that looked more like southern Spain than England.

We found a huge conker tree with a bench around it, so had our lunch in the shade. I could have drifted off to sleep, but we had to carry on.

The bikes were fantastic and just give that little bit of help when needed. Going along the flat they do very little, but on a hill it is as if someone is giving a helpful gentle push upwards.

After nearly 70k we reached the outskirts of Stratford along a disused railway line, and came across an old railway carriage that had been converted into a café.

Obviously we had to stop and enjoy a thirst quenching cider before finishing off the journey.

Only apple flavour here though, no sign of strawberry daiquiri.

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