Thursday, 15 February 2024

Woking to Lincoln

What a lovely day for a bike ride. We took a risk by cycling across country lanes and fields first thing this morning. We also cycled along Muddy Lane near Wisley, and surprisingly it didn't live up to its name.

Then we cycled along a gorgeous canal on our route towards London.

A little further along we came across Brooklands Museum, and although we didn't go in, we got a great view of Concorde from the cycle path.

We were under time pressure today as we had to be at Kings Cross Station for the 1.06pm train to Lincoln.

We set off at 8.30 to allow time for stops along the way and we had a coffee just before the halfway point near to Hampton Court Palace.

After that it was straight back on the road and on to a track next to the River Thames. This time the track was much more uneven and full of puddles which slowed us down a lot. Then we reached a succession of royal parks including Hampton Court, Richmond and Hyde Park.

Then we had to navigate the streets of London, and at one point it seemed as if we would never get there, but we arrived at Kings Cross at 12.30. 

Plenty of time to get lunch and catch the train up north.

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