Saturday 29 June 2013

Final day at sea

We are on our way back to Southampton and will dock first thing tomorrow morning, then we are catching a train up to Nottingham.
We are enjoying a couple of days at sea and last night was the Victoriana evening. Nearly everyone dressed in their finest outfits and we had lobster tail then baked Alaska for dinner.
Today there is a full programme of events to keep us entertained. The best was a talk by Robert Powell - he did three during the cruise and was brilliant. Right now we have a choice of singing along with the ships cast in a 'groovy choir', playing bridge, whist or bingo, joining the watercolour art class, going to a ballroom dance class or one for my sister Elaine, the needlework and knitting session.
It has been another lovely cruise, and we just need to get back to my mums now to see how much weight we have put on.


  1. Noooo, don't get on the scales - the food is too good on the Cunard cruises. We did the Norway part of your trip last year, on the same ship. I still haven't weighed myself since we got back.

  2. Did you love afternoon tea in the Queens Room? We tried not to go, but somehow always found ourselves nearby at 3.30pm. Their scones with jam and cream were fantastic. So was the battenburg cake, the shortbread, anything with dark chocolate in it, etc, etc. Oh, and the bacon butties, smoothies, muffins, sugary ginger things after dinner...............
