Friday 4 February 2022

Baby lambs

We went for a little walk today to North Stoke, which is up an extremely steep single track road. Great views of the Avon from the top, and we even spotted our cottage in the distance.

On the way down we walked through a field and a few of the sheep had tiny lambs with them. It seems very early and the church newsletter said that they were due to arrive in March and April, so something has gone wrong. Hope the weather stays warm for them. 

Every day I take a carrot to the donkeys and I think that they are starting to recognise me, although one is definitely keener than the other. They live with three sheep friends and one of them is now coming over to see me too. 

Finally, a few days ago we heard from the team at Graven Hill to ask if we could show a few people from Homes England around our house. It was a bit of a surprise that so many of them turned up, and we aren't really sure why they were there, but they all seemed to have a nice time and asked for a photo with us.

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