Friday, 9 June 2023

Gothenburg to Oslo

Anxious to get the last drops out of our 72 hour Gothenburg public transport pass, we got up early and caught a tram away from our hotel. Getting off at the harbour side, we had 22 minutes left.

We then had a couple of hours to wander back to the hotel, eat breakfast and then catch the bus up north.

There was some very nice scenes along the way,

as well as a magnificent energy producing building.

All I can find out about this Power Plant is that it is supposed to be very green, and it is right in the city centre.

We caught the bus that left exactly on time, taking the E6 motorway almost the whole 300 kilometres to Oslo. Three and a half hours later we stepped out to more beautiful sunshine in the third country of our trip (Norway), in the upmarket bus station.

We dropped off our bags at our hotel and set off to explore for the afternoon. 

Everywhere was packed with people enjoying the sunshine, and at the end of the docks was a huge sunbathing area and brave divers were leaping head first into the sea.

I always like unusual statues and this was one of my favourites, definitely beating the Little Mermaid of Copenhagen.

By now our energy levels were falling and we hadn't managed to get in to the fortress along the harbour. It wasn't our fault as we walked a long way round it, but not only was lots of it fenced off for building work, but an outdoor concert was also just starting in another section.

We did eventually get a great view of the harbour from the top of the ramparts

and the start of the concert.

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