Sunday, 25 March 2012

Slow motion cycle fall

Out for a bike ride today in the lovely sunshine and just stopped at Stoke Bardolph for a cider and lunch.
Loads of people out today, admired the yachters, campers, horse riders, scooterers, runners and dog walkers.
Stopped to admire the view of the river and to watch a very old gentleman cycle extremely slowly towards on a tarmac path.
Unfortunately he had to ride over a cattle grid and he stopped pedalling in the middle of it and turned across it so the wheel went down the hole and he fell off.
Darren rescued his bike and took it to the other side while I tried to help him up as his legs were dangling through the gaps.
We left him on the other side of the grid which I had thought was helpful, but Daz pointed out that he might have to go back over it to get home.

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