Monday, 16 November 2020


After measuring many, many times, I finally pressed the buy button and my blinds were made to measure. They arrived today and the first one fits beautifully.

The second one is a bit more complicated because it goes in the bedroom, and the balcony door is too high for the track to go above it. What that means in plainer English is that once the blind is up then the door won't open.

To get around this, Darren has cut a hole in the plasterboard above the door and the windows to either side of it, and has fixed the track into it. I have started to fill in the gap either side of it, and once that is dried and painted then we can finish it off.

I have also been working on the monstrous store cupboard and this is how far I have got.

We also had a few deliveries recently including a big telly, some beer glasses for Darren, a saw, a missing bit for my bike, and the flooring for downstairs arrives tomorrow morning. I think that there was also something more interesting than this random sounding list but I can't remember what it was. 

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