Sunday, 7 November 2021

Family visit and fireworks

Back from our holiday and back to normality. We made a flying visit to Bicester Village and it is looking really lovely. Santa's sleigh and reindeers have arrived and they are just standing around waiting for their boss.

My sister brought my mum and dad to see our house and we went for a little walk round the estate. My mum very loyally said that our house was the best! Combined age of the people in this photo is 294, soon to be 295 unfortunately. 

Finally, last night we went to the Bicester Round Table fireworks display. It was a mild, dry night and I think that the whole of Bicester had the same idea as it was absolutely packed.

There was a bit of drama early on as the bonfire was quite close to a large tree and sparks were flying right through it. It didn't catch fire, but I am sure that it will be looking very singed and sorry for itself this morning.

Excellent fireworks that were vaguely set to music, and it was great that a big group of girls just behind us sang along very loudly to all of the songs.

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