Monday, 29 November 2021

Snowy morning

Yesterday we went to see Tina and Matt in Derbyshire for lunch, and before we started on the roast, we were really surprised to see a few snowflakes falling. By the time we got to the apple strudel and custard there were giant flakes falling and the ground was white over.

We cut our visit a bit short, and it was a difficult drive home. Last night I went to bed hoping that the snow was still hanging around this morning.

Yes, I was in luck, although I think that the fish probably weren't so keen on being iced in. 

We wanted to make the most of it, so set off on a long walk, and I stopped to take a photo of our street.

The Millennium Pond at Langford was looking lovely.....

.... and as soon as they saw us a flock of ducks started running towards us across the ice. 

I felt very guilty that we had nothing to give them, but fortunately a lady turned up with a bag full of goodies and they all turned back and headed towards her.

It was still freezing when we got home, but within an hour the sun was starting to melt the snow and by lunchtime most of it had gone. 

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