Sunday, 27 May 2012

Tour of the Peak

What a day of drama today!
Signed up for The Tour of the Peaks which is a 46 mile bike ride, starting at Chapel en le Frith and going over the Cat and Fiddle, Winnerts Pass and A N Other, plus endless ups and downs along the way.
I started well, but was really psyched out by two of our cycling buddies. Stuart and Chris were both well over 6 feet tall, dressed head to toe in Lycra, many years younger than me and on really light bikes.
Trouble started halfway up the Cat and Fiddle as it was blowing a gale in our faces and I thought I was going too slow so started to panic. We had already told the group not to wait for us, but I was worried about Daz being stuck with me instead of them, so started panicking more, couldn't see the end of the climb and started hyperventilating.
Got round okay in the end and finished about half an hour behind them in about 5 hours 35 minutes. I probably lost the whole 30 mins with my mardy turn!
Couldn't get too upset though as I seemed to be quite the minor celebrity with my lovely flowery steed.  Loads of people kept calling over to me about how much they liked it.
At the finishing line the organisers even took my photo for the website, which they didn't seem to be doing with the other stragglers.
Ps don't think I will be doing it next year!

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