Thursday, 15 November 2012

Paul's genuine 5k Parkrun

Daz sent me a copy of Paul's carefully measured route, but it was that complicated I had to print a map and then draw the route in red biro.
I am hoping I am the first person to try it out and it was a bit like orienteering as I had to keep referring to the map all the way round. I don't think it could replace the Saturday morning route as they would need about 50 volunteers to cover all of the corners.
However, it is a beautiful route that is extremely undulating. The first corner is really bad as it is such a steep downhill on a slippery path and is currently covered in leaves. I had to mince carefully down that bit, and felt lucky not to have ended up on my bottom.
Enough excuses, it's great fun and very different to my usual runs.
I did it in 29.37 and I passed Paul's front gate at 15.30.
Can anyone/everyone beat that??

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