Sunday, 2 September 2018

Kinderdjik windmills and Rotterdam

Another lovely day on the road and this time we started the day with a cycle ride to a ferry. It was already in so we got on board and then Daz hopped back off to take a photo.

At that moment the ferry started pulling away and he had to run to get back on. It was only a five minute journey and if he had missed it then he would have had to swim and luckily his bike was already on board. 
On the other side we headed for the windmills and were surprised to find ourselves surrounded by hundreds of other tourists, who must have found a different way to get there as they certainly weren't on our boat. 
There was 19 windmills in less than a couple of miles and they were used to pump water out of the fields as the whole area is below sea level. 

It was all very beautiful and we cycled out beyond the crowds and then followed cycle paths to Rotterdam. 
I wanted to see some amazing houses that defy the laws of gravity. We went inside one of them and the floors are flat, but all of the windows and walls were at crazy angles. However all of the other houses were lived in, so some people must get used to it. 

Final stop of the day was Gouda where we had chips and mayonnaise for tea. 

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