Friday, 26 March 2021


 We have finished the watercourse between the top and bottom ponds. First thing today it looked like the photo below, and then it poured with rain so we collected quite a bit of water from the guttering on the greenhouse.

With a bit of trial and error we ended up with a meandering stream that starts with the overflow to the top pond, then the water dropped into a wide pot, down a concrete gutter to another pot, through a pipe into what Darren calls the dalek, and finally down another gutter into the bottom pond.

We haven't tested it yet because we are waiting for some filler to dry, but we are going to trial it tomorrow, so fingers crossed. If it is okay then it needs lots of plants around it. 

Not sure yet how attractive it is, but I think that it will be fun. I think that the fish will like the trickling waterfall, just as long as they don't try to slide down it. 

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