Thursday 11 March 2021

Concrete sculpting

We had a bit of fun today and I am copying another idea from Pinterest. About three years ago I tried this in Nottingham and it ended in disaster. That time I tried to make a concrete birdbath using cabbage leaves to make the shape.

Anyway, when I tried to lift it up, it just fell apart and I had a big sulk and never tried it again. 

This time I am making a water feature for the new pond, and I am using plant pots as to make the shape out of quite a lot of concrete.

I have weighed it all down with heavy blocks and we are going to open it tomorrow and see what happens.

I forgot to mention that Darren has been busy making two wooden outdoor sofas for the top floor. They are now finished and I have started to paint them.

The weather is too cold at the moment for me to carry on with it, but it should pick up in a few days. There is also some wood left so I am hoping for a coffee table and planter too. Fingers crossed. 

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