Sunday, 3 May 2020


Today I have been working outside, and have added a sunflower patch and a couple of pumpkins to the front garden.

It's not looking great yet, but give it a bit of time.
All of these plants were destined for Darren's mum's allotment, but as I said before, that isn't happening this year.
The tomatoes, peas and aubergines are also growing well,

although I ended up with too many, so gave lots away to our neighbours.
I have also been inspired to add some of my own, so have bought chilli plants, garlic, lettuce and pots of basil and coriander from Tescos that I have put into bigger pots.

Out in the garden I spent most of the day improving the side next to the staircase. Last year we dug out the clay soil for a big pond. This year I have decided to put the pond in a different place, so today I moved most of the clay back.

This is a strange photo that doesn't show what I have done, and I am surprised that I took it. Here is one from the opposite angle.

I also spent quite a bit of time digging a hole around one of the drainpipes, because we have to add another one and we need to know how to fit them together.

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