Friday, 8 May 2020


Seven window fitters turned up today and brought all of our windows and doors with them in five vans.
Their first, and main task was to get each window in to the correct room. The only window that was really very heavy was the big one in the kitchen, and that weighed about 300 kilograms.
They bought a special machine of the kind seen on Grand Designs and wheeled it round to the back of the house.

We kept out of the way, but I did walk around the back after a couple of hours to see how they were getting on.

They have fitted all of the most difficult bits, although unfortunately one window on the top floor is cracked, so they need to send a replacement.
The back looks amazing, and the surprising thing is that looks almost like a mirror.

They are back on Monday to carry on with the rest of the house.


  1. Looks great assume its just glass that's cracked not frame

    1. Yes, it's just glass. Don't know if was cracked when it got here but they hauled it up anyway, or if it was broken yesterday.
