Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Living well in a KL

Not got a lot to report at the moment. We are relaxing in our apartment, Darren is running every morning, I am persevering with the French and we are both swimming every afternoon in the pool.
It is on 34th floor of our block and has been pretty busy for the last few days. However, now that the Chinese new year holidays are over and everyone is back at work, we found that it was completely empty today.
We have also been eating well - today we had an Indian Thali meal that cost just over £2 each. It came with ten little dishes and as I learned from previous experience, one of them is pudding. The trick is to work which one it is and not to pour curry sauce over it, as they always very sugary sweet.
Yesterday we also had a curry each, that time at a street side 'hawker' cafe. We had a lovely curry each and a soft drink and it cost £2 in total for everything.

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