Sunday, 17 January 2016

Typical sea day - Saturday

Today is our ninth day at sea although we did get a break for a day in Tenerife. Picture one is me as predicted, enjoying a glass of wine, the sunset and even a bit of Rod Stewart.
Every evening a leaflet is delivered to your cabin with details of the next day's events. It is going to be so busy today that we will hardly even have time to eat!

We have:-
9.30 - Port lecture on Costa Rica
10.00 - Line dancing
11.00 - Foxtrot and quickstep class - beginners
12.00 - Pub stop to watch the football (we are three hours behind England)
1.00 - Film in the cinema
3.00 - Foxtrot and quickstep - improvers
4.00 - Talk by Eric Knowles from Antiques Roadshow
5.00 - Piano and violin receital
Etc, etc.

Phew, we won't even see the ice carving, the passenger choir or even the sun, which is already beating down on the decks.
The evenings gets even busier, and we sometimes rush straight from one theatre to the other. It's a good chance to get the DJ out though.
Sensibly, Darren doesn't do the line dancing. Pic three is an action shot of me stepping left while everyone else is facing the front. How come everybody else got it so wrong?  Pic four is the lassoo step. Very difficult to do while dosey doeing at the same time.

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