Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Curly pipe disaster avoided

Darren spent most of yesterday, and today we spent all morning wrestling with our MVHR. I had never heard of one of these before we started building our house but it stands for mechanical ventilation and heat recovery. 
Basically it is an air flow system that has ducting to every room and pumps in clean new air and sucks out used air. Its something to do with our house having to be a highly insulated eco house and we need to keep breathing inside it. 
But anyway, we have been threading the pipes through the metal gaps in our floor joists, and taking the pipes down to a central area near the front door. 

Each roll is 25 metres long and it tries to tangle itself up as it is unrolled, but we got a better technique today and kept it rolled up until we needed to push it. 

I then noticed that there was a little hole in the pipe that happened as it often got stuck on little bits of metal sticking out of the joists. This was a disaster because the whole system has to be air tight and tested before it starts working. 
We were very upset and disappointed, and we thought that we would have to rip it all out and start again, and it would be very difficult to avoid it happening again.
After a couple of hours Darren managed to speak to the manufacturer and it turns out that the real pipe inside the outer corrugated one and as long as that one is okay then everything is fine.
A quick check and we seem to be fine after all. Massive relief all round. 

This is a lovely aerial shot from the Graven Hill drone taken last week, and our orange front door is glowing nicely. 

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