Saturday, 15 May 2021

Beyond the call of duty

 Top marks today to Darren who threw himself enthusiastically into the task of improving the drainage behind the greenhouse and the back of the garden. It is a shame that there has been so much rain recently, because it turned it into a nightmare job.

He kept smiling all day though, even when his boot got stuck in the mud and he had to dig it out in just his sock!

Below is the photo of the garden this morning, and since then he has dug out tonnes of clay and carried it in to the middle of the fish.

The hole is quite deep and we are going to fill it with gravel and a drain pipe, but I can't take an 'after' photo because it started to rain really heavily and it is now totally full of water.

I think that tomorrow he might have to buy some wellies, but first I am going to try to bail out the water with a bucket.

He has also moved the water butt, and done a bit of fancy pipe work so that the back and half of the front of the greenhouse drain in to it.

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