Sunday, 2 May 2021

Progress on the site

There is loads of work going on all around us, and every day something new happens.

There are still a lot of gaps, but they are filling up rapidly.

This is quite a recent aerial shot, and the red squares are all new plots in progress.

Just along and behind us is a plot that is having a huge basement. We have watched the hole grow daily and when they were putting the metal pilings in to the ground our whole house shook, and all of the glasses in our cupboards clinked and clattered together.

The builders have just started the filling in process and have put in a concrete base that is drying over the weekend.

The plot next door to the giant basement has just had it's scaffolding put up and the frame is due to arrive in two days time. The plot behind the house with the turquoise roof is just being dug out, and just out of sight on this photo is another brand new house. 

All quiet today though on Bank Holiday Sunday. 

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