Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Blenheim Palace

1704 - Duke of Marlborough leads England to a great victory at the battle of Blenheim and is given 2,000 acres at Woodstock by Queen Anne.
1874 - Winston Churchill born at Blenheim Palace.
2013 - Christine and Darren visit the Palace for a day trip.
Startling fact of the day - If the Palace had been built today it would have cost £2.5 billion pounds.
Disappointing fact  - Our campsite was only one kilometre from the entrance and we decided to go for a little walk in the grounds looking for the perfect photo of the bridge over the lake.
14 k later we arrived at the front door as we seriously underestimated the distance. I am not sure if the finished article was worth it.
I also couldn't get our shadows out of the photo of the Palace and fountains, so I think Daz is actually doing a flying dove, but it looks more like he is trying to shoot me.

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