Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Yet another soaking!

Two things that have occurred too often on this French trip have been punctures to Darren's bike and rain!
They both conspired against us today, as if Darren hadn't got a puncture then we would have got back to the van 20 minutes earlier today, and avoided a soaking.
We didn't melt though, and it certainly didn't spoil the day. We had an excellent round trip to Morlaix, mostly via very quiet coast roads. We didn't see much of Morlaix, but it does have a very impressive bridge.
No sign of the sun since we arrived on the north coast, so my impression is of a very bleak and dark area.  However, there are giant exotic plants growing in many gardens, and even wild by the roadside, so I think we have just been unlucky this time.

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