Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Newstead Abbey

We caught the tram to the end of the line today, and then walked up to Newstead Abbey. The sun beat down gloriously on our hats as we took a long route along footpaths and through dappled woods.
We were flagging a bit by the time we arrived but it was worth the effort as the whole place was beautiful.
I sure that it has changed over time, but for three hundred years it was the home of Lord Byron and his family.  On a day like today you could imagine him wandering around the lake composing poetry, with his faithful dog by his side.
His dog, called Boatswain is buried in the grounds, but I only found that out when my mum told me about it tonight.
Tonight was also good as we went to watch my brother in law, Mark, compete in a five kilometres race around Wollaton Park - another amazing Notts landmark.
And finally, in a very disturbing oversight, I failed to mention the heroic efforts of Mark and Elaine last Sunday morning when they successfully completed their second triathlon in the last month.

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