Thursday, 17 December 2015

Modern Art

Today we walked up the hill to visit the only genuinely ugly building that I have seen on Madeira. I had noticed it before on our travels today and thought it must be a factory or perhaps a refuse collection area, but no, it's the modern art gallery.
Once inside it is actually a lovely bright building with lots of stuff on three separate floors.
If you are a regular reader you might have noticed that I struggle with modern art, and today was no exception.
However, I have decided to make some of my own in order to get in the spirit of the outing.
Creation one is the entrance area which is completely devoid of people, as during the whole of our trip we were the only visitors.
Creation two is me trying to look intelligent and thinking about the concepts raised in the gallery.
I am particularly pleased with creation three which shows Darren in the top left looking down on some artwork. That is of Jesus sitting at one end of a large table with a pile of ash at the other end - sorry but I chopped that bit off as it spoilt the shape of my image.

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