Thursday, 24 December 2015

Pie, mash and liquor

What is this?  Is it food?
The answer is that it is an East End tradition - pie, mash and liquor.
The pie is made of mince and is the least worst thing on the plate. Next comes the mashed potato, which I always dislike. Finally, the green liquor is made with parsley and apparently is not very nice, so the idea is to douse it with vinegar to make it a bit more palatable.
In pic two I am looking cheerful, but that's mainly because I haven't tried it yet.
We went to the famous Manzes in Walthamstow market for lunch, and so that Darren and his mum could enjoy memories from childhood. I am glad say that I didn't have to eat it when I was young, although I did endure something similar, only without the sauce.
Unfortunately, I left most of mine, so wasn't allowed any pudding.
We then had a look around the market, and on a much brighter note, headed into Turtle Bay for some Caribbean cocktails.
Two for the price of one, and absolutely gorgeous, I enjoyed them all.
Merry Christmas to all!!

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