Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Levada das 25 Fontes

The Levada of the 25 Fountains walk is one of the most famous in the whole of Madeira. I didn't see any fountains, but there was lots of waterfalls, so it must be a problem with the translation.
The most noticeable difference between today's outing and previous ones was the number of people that we encountered. Usually we would meet between zero and half a dozen people all day, but today we saw loads.
It was a lovely walk amongst the trees and then through a tree tunnel with the Levada walls covered in bright green moss.
The highlight was pic three, a very high waterfall that fell into a pond. This is where we stopped for lunch - a couple of coconutty cakes from the local shop that were delicious. As we ate we became surrounded by chaffinches and they even took crumbs from my hand. The one in pic four arrived late and there was no crumbs left, so he stared angrily at me and chirruped loudly for more dinner!


  1. How amazing I am assuming the bird is real?

  2. Yep, they were really brave. Obviously holding your hand out is easy, real skill here was talking the photo :-)

  3. well that's impressive also :)

  4. I was this month in this levada. It is wonderful :) I loved it.

    I also found some people. In COVID's time, I believe that more people is finding more natural and outdoor places to visit.

