Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Last day in Vung Tau

We set off for a walk along the seafront further away from our hotel and came across a magical place. Almost all of the writing was in Vietnamese only, but we worked out that it was a display that was left over from the new year celebrations. 
We were almost the only people there and we wandered around in amazement. The flowers were beautiful with displays of hollyhocks and sunflowers. Floating fish adorned the flower beds, sheep leapt amongst the cactus plants, there were Russian dolls next to the Smurf display and a few dogs were scattered around. This made more sense as 2018 is the year of the dog, so I bravely posed with two of them.  
This afternoon we went on the beach and had a great time in the surf. 
Catching a flight tomorrow. 

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