Saturday, 26 January 2019

Koh Phi Phi to Koh Lanta

Got up early this morning and did a fake parkrun along the two main beaches of Koh Phi Phi. Lovely, but hot.
We then caught the ferry to Koh Lanta. It was a very tatty looking green boat, and we all had to sit indoors down some steps and not far above the water level. Our luggage got a space up on the deck in the sunshine.
All was well until the boat sped up and was shooting through the waves. The spray was going right over the top of the boat and my window kept coming open, so water sprayed in and after a while it also started dripping on to us through the ceiling! It only took an hour though and our hotel is right next to the pier.

All of the buildings are built on stilts out over the water and it is a great place to sit
 and watch the world go by. 
Last night we ate at a restaurant just a couple of doors down and on the way out Darren noticed their advertising slogan 'Eat here, die at home'. Strange.
At sunset we walked across the island to Klong Dae beach for a beer and to enjoy the view. 

 Ps, one of our suitcases got soaked during the journey, still feeling lucky that it wasn't mine. 

1 comment:

  1. The sign actually said the far less strange

    Eat here
    Diet home
