Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Thailand Biennale, art in Krabi

A major modern art spectaculare is taking place all around us in the Krabi area. It is called the Edge of the Wonderland 
As you might expect  a lot of it is very strange, and the first thing that we encountered is called 'About the hiding of the giant jellyfish'.
In case you are wondering  I am standing on it. It is a wobbly  jelly like pavement that bounces up and down as you stand on it, together with a speaker that makes a sound like breaking glass or a cat being strangled. We were first surprised by it when we ran over it on our first morning while out for a jog. Today we found out that it was actually art and in summary from the information pack 'the jellyfish (underfoot) is there to scintilate hidden issues that are easily missed'.
We found another piece of art on our boat trip yesterday, and that was a large rock in the sea with a golden band around it.
I liked this one and it glittered beautifully in the sunlight.
We found a couple of others that were a bit rubbish  but then came across a really good one called No sunrise No sunset. The title didn't seem to make too much sense, but here are a couple of photos of it.  It is a huge mirrored box that you walk into and inside is a pool with a statue of a lady with the sea behind her.

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