Thursday, 24 September 2020

We have lots of lights

 Today our electrician finished the lights on the first floor and we have an interesting selection of different styles.

This one, chosen by me, is in our bedroom. It came out of the box as a small spiky centre and lots of spirals, and Darren randomly screwed them in to place. His favourite is in the office, but unfortunately I forgot to take a photo of it.

I spent the morning painting white walls, and then this afternoon I started renovating the bargain cocktail cabinet. The 88 year old dark varnish put up a good fight, but I have got the hang of removing it now, and it is showing a lot of promise.

Last job of the day was to get ready for the arrival of the plumber tomorrow. Unfortunately, I then cut my finger on a piece of tile and there was a bit of blood - some even dripping on to the floor.

I have stuck a plaster tightly over it have decided not to look at the damage until tomorrow. Darren very kindly told me to sit down with a big glass of cherry brandy, and I am feeling a lot better now. 

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