Wednesday 30 September 2020

Cocktail cabinet update

 I have finished upcycling the cocktail cabinet and it isn't as bling as the one I saw on the Internet, although I have painted it with satin varnish rather than high gloss. That is good news though, as I am quite attached to it now.

Darren thinks that it would look better with dark grey door knobs, and I have sprayed the middle one to see, but I can't decide yet - although it's probably a no. 

The plan for it now is that the hat will be a white basin and the bottle behind it will be a tap, the blue bag will be a mini fridge,  and the bottles and glasses will be topped up. 

This is the current state of the driveway and I have made a little walkway of wobbly bits of wood to try to keep the mud out of the house. 

It's looking quite a state at the moment, but we have already had a small delivery of blocks and gravel, so I am hoping that it will improve soon. 

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