Sunday, 19 September 2021

Oxford overnight

We ran the parkrun yesterday morning, then after a little break to do our packing, we cycled to Oxford.

It was a beautiful, warm and sunny mid September afternoon and I got the guide book out again. This time, amongst many other things, we found the oldest door in Oxford. (This fact may be disputed.)

Then on the side of the Quaking Bridge was a small plaque to honour the buddleia bush that flowered there from June to September in 2014, and it is still managing it today.

Of course, buddleia bushes flower absolutely anywhere, but this was some sort of art project, so who am I to question it.

We also found the stocks at the old castle that became a prison, but is now an extremely expensive hotel.

After a quick refreshment stop we met up with Susan and Paul for dinner and then an opera at the Sheldonian Theatre. Unfortunately we missed the start because we thought it began at 7.30pm rather than 7, but we managed to get in and find a seat right at the very top floor.

It was Don Giovanni, nice, lively and loud music with lots of singing, but we decided that we had seen enough at the interval so left S and P to find the proper seats and enjoy the next act. 

Our hotel room was right above a very loud pub, but it wasn't a problem, and there were excellent views across the bus station.

Ps, very impressive that the first buses started arriving before 6am on a Sunday.

Pps, we are catching the 10.32am train to London.

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