We are getting very close to the top of Norway and the daylight hours are short. There are surprisingly more smalls towns and settlements here than you would expect, and we stopped at one called Honningsvag.
Most of the tourists are going on a trip to the Nordcapp - the northern most point in Norway - but we aren't.
I love this Lowry-esque shot of them all carefully heading over the ice and snow to their coaches.
I am sure that it would be a good trip, but they only see a little monument and café, and we pass by it on the boat on the way back so should see it from the water.
Instead, as soon as the ship was quiet, we put on our bathers and ran to the stern of the sixth floor and into the hot tub.
The steps up to it were covered in ice, but once in the water was lovely.
Eventually we got out and went ashore ourselves.
I forgot to say that yesterday when we stopped at another small town we saw a sea eagle circling around above the boat.
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