Wednesday, 25 January 2023


We arrived in Trondheim for a four hour stop, and the cruise in at dawn was scenic but very overcast.

Long thin clouds were all around and we sailed through one, out the other side and suddenly Trondheim appeared straight ahead  We then docked in the industrial area on the outskirts of the city.

I insisted that Darren take the following photo, and it is actually in colour and quietly beautiful, although everything in the view was various shades of grey.

We decided to go for another run and stop to take photos, but we are further north than yesterday and there was a lot more snow and ice on the route, so we had to stop and pick our way through it.

We found the main sights, the cathedral - also very grey

The bridge - feeling very cold by then

And various old buildings. 

We thought that we had seen the best of Trondheim, although we had to spend a lot of time staring at the ground to avoid accidentally running on ice.

However, chatting to another English couple we found that we had missed the Royal Palace, the main square and various street art.

Never mind, we will try harder tomorrow.

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